NGKS is a not for profit organisation - run by members - showing German movies for members. We welcome new members any time of the year, and permit visitors to attend for a donation.
Membership options in 2024:
Full member $70 (for the calendar year)
Full student member $45 (for calendar year)
3 month membership $35 (up to three consecutive movies)
3 month student membership $25 (up to three consecutive movies)
How to become a member…
Please complete the following form: 2025 Membership Application Form
Bring the form to one of our movie nights
Pay membership fee at the door (cash or card) or by bank transfer
We will issue you a membership card at the door
Bank details
Account Name: NGKS Incorporated
BSB: 650-000 (Newcastle Permanent)
Account number: 513312202
Please use your surname as reference