
NGKS is a not for profit organisation - run by members - showing German movies for members. We welcome new members any time of the year, and permit visitors to attend for a donation.

Membership options in 2024:

  • Full member $70 (for the calendar year)

  • Full student member $45 (for calendar year)

  • 3 month membership $35 (up to three consecutive movies)

  • 3 month student membership $25 (up to three consecutive movies)

How to become a member…

  1. Please complete the following form: 2025 Membership Application Form

  2. Bring the form to one of our movie nights

  3. Pay membership fee at the door (cash or card) or by bank transfer

  4. We will issue you a membership card at the door

Bank details 

Account Name: NGKS Incorporated
BSB: 650-000 (Newcastle Permanent)
Account number: 513312202 
Please use your surname as reference